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Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012



1.      Surface

The young generation is a very valuable national asset. The young generation is a mirror of a nation of 5 to 10 years later. Developing nations will go forward if the successor has the spirit of patriotism and concern in advancing the nation.
Each youth especially students have a lot of difference either way of life, character and personality as well as in terms of another. We can see these differences by looking at everyday activities. The nature and different personalities that distinguish one student with another student. So that the work produced by students will also be different.
World general education only teaches intellectually and emphasize the highest value with an IQ of 100 with a GPA of 4.00 was the best. But if we see our friends star class star when elementary, junior high school, senior high school. Did they become successful person is above average? This was investigated in a institution that create and establish the data bank giant named EQI (Emotion Quotient Inventory) which has collected data of successful people on earth, the result is said that intellectual intelligence an average of only 6% have a role, a maximum of success even 20%. Then how about the ability of Intellectual and Emotional us, Which is more we emphasize in our self? If we see, success is not just the intellectual quotient alone.

  1. Destination
a.       Knowing the students' individual differences in terms of emotional quotient.
b.      Seeing the impact of emotional quotient on the mindset and the work of student.

  1. Research Methods
1. kinds of research
    This research is descriptive research, ie where of the author describe about the effect of emotional quotient of paradigm and the work of students. Descriptive describe methode of a systematic  and facts and characteristics about a particular science, and a describe of the situation and real events.

            2. Data collection techniques
              Data collection techniques, there are two things:
a. Observation, namely the direct writers took to the field to obtain data and information required in accordance with the purpose of research.
b. Interview, which the author conducted interviews directly to a informant.

3.      Data analysis
        Data analysis was performed after the necessary data and information collected, then the author categorizes the data according to type, then the data is analyzed by using qualitative descriptive analysis.

4. Analysis
Most students think that  college just go to campus, learn and go home, at rest hanging out with friends in the canteen. This mindset is inappropriate thoughts. Many things can be done in addition to formal learning, that is by joining the organization, conduct research or other activities that can be done when be a student.

However, most students think when it has completed a formal education in college they will get a high-income jobs. Therefore, they only focus at formal activity on the campus without wanting to engage directly with non-formal activities on campus.

intellectual quotient alone is not enough, still needed whose names are  emotional quotient, emotional quotient is the ability to feel the feelings of others and then make that knowledge as an important information to take action.

With inappropriate paradigm will impact on the quality of the students themselves when plunging into the society. By having the emotional quotient of students will understand way control emotions and recognize the emotions of others, so that they can interact and build relationships with good.

  1. Inference

Emotional intelligence is very important owned every individual, with each indvidu emotional quotient will be able to feel the feelings of others so it will be establishment of good communication between these individuals.

If the intellectual and emotional quotient has been obtained, intelligence will lead to a mindset that is very good and the resulting work would be beneficial for many people. Because the resulting work is an action taken or an idea by looking at the situation to feel what others feel and make it as an act to be performed.

  1. Suggestion

Intellectual quotient is not the only priority, but emotional intelligence also affect the actions to be performed. For the formation of emotional intelligence in each individual, must be introduced the true meaning of these Emotional quotient, so that does not happen wrong thinking, and opened views and their paradigm about the importance of emotional quotient.

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